Scale Builders Guild SBG RC Crawler Axle Stand
Scale Builders Guild SBG RC Crawler Axle Stand
I would also like to thank Scale Builders Guild for letting us use their logo as it is one place I support fulling with more knowledge and people to help out than anywhere else on the interwebs! Check out the links below to take your build to the next level or to offer up advice to those just starting out!
SBG Forum:
SBG Youtube:
These come with different centres for 107mm, 114mm, and 125mm width!
I am able to put most logos imbedded right in to it as it is all printed at the same time. No gluing and no fear of anything popping apart.
* If there is a logo you would like to see feel free to toss me a message!
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
These are Print On demand and are only returnable if there is an issue with the material or print.
VS Customs
With so many ideas floating around in my head I thought it was best to share them with the world!
Always open to making those custom ideas reality! Name plates, Custom designs and anything in between!